Project 1: Carys the Corgi, a gift for my sister: sand-casting, milling, metalworking, 3D printing, CAD, water-jetting
Project 2: Seedbomb Physical Product, part of the Seedbomb Case Study: CAD, molding, 3D printing, render
Project 3: Barbie's Gearbox, an experiment with friends: CAD, Mechanical Analysis, Calculations, 3D Printing, Milling
Project 4: My Favorite Pen to Jot Down Inspirations: woodworking, blueprints, lathing, drilling
Other Projects: A Gift Box, My Handmade Pen for Ideas, and a Heart-Shaped Door Sign Gift: Woodworking, Lathing, CAD, Laser-cutting
Project 5: A Heart-Shaped Door Sign Gift for a Friend: CAD, Laser Cutting